Program Dni Anty-Frontexowych

19.05 Tuesday
welcoming newcomers, film screening, photography exhibition (about history of resistance against
Fortress Europe and Frontex)
20.05 Wednesday
« My world » Conference for refugees and migrant support networks; we would like to focus it on
two topics, concentrated in two blocks
•11.00-13:00 Block 1: The world where I’m living
(When and how is broken my as a migrants right. States legislation with regard to me. Cases when states are broken a rights of life, movement, cases of discrimination, racism. Examples when the law itself infringes on a fundamental convention of human rights or other international law. A suggestion is there to keep to the arguments of facts rather than emotions; one of the ideas is to refer to Geneva Convention and how it works/doesn’t work in real life)
•13:00-14:00 Questions to the Block 1 speakers
•14.00-15:00 Lunch break
•15.00-17:00 Block 2: The world where I want to live
(Changes that i want to do to have a world where i want to live – Law, reality, relations, level
of freedom. What is our goal? How to achieve it?)
•17:00-18:00 Questions to the Block 2 speakers
If you’d like to actively participate in the conference, please send us brief summaries of what you’d
like to present, and which part of the conference you’d see your presentation in. Please keep in
•The presentations should not be longer than 15 minutes, for all the speakers to get a chance.
•The main language of the Conference is English, and there shall be interpreting into Polish.
Please let us know if you need other linguistic aid at the Conference or during other events.
•We attempt for the Conference to produce a memorandum, or a paper which we can hand to
political authorities responsible for migrants’ situation in UE and Poland by the end of the
Anti-Frontex Days, and announce publically. All speakers at the Conference will be invited
to participate in forming such a memorandum.
•The time schedule is flexible, but we would not like to extend it excessively, because of the
neccessary preparations for the following days’ actions afterwards.
– preparation for the demo (materials, banners, props or costumes, planning)
– strategic discussions
21.05 Thursday
– preparation for the demo pt. 2
– general meeting before the demo
The demo will commemorate victims of systemic racism and EU/Schengen border policy; including
Maxwell Itoya gunned down by police 5 years ago, Mediterranean boat people, and many others;
you’re welcome to creatively participate – send us your ideas or tell us when you come.
Evening: Migraparty – music and socializing event
22.05 Friday
Informal discussions, follow-ups and chill-out. /// Outdoor actions for the International Day Against Frontex (22 May).
In the weekend, you are all welcome to join ‘Activists’ Days Off’ organized by local leftist, feminist
and queer crews:
What can You do before coming?
• Join the conference with a presentation on refugee problems and/or solidarity solutions;
• Send or bring with you legal/practical info about your country/area, which can be useful for
migrants, asylum seekers, sans-papiers or solidarity networks;
• Join one of our working groups, including: translation/interpreting, logistics/food, legal
team; or ask how your skills/resources can be of use during AFD;
• Donate to the organization of the Days ($$$ will be needed for logistics & food, as well as
resources for the demo, legal costs if any)
Bank name: PKO BP
IBAN: PL75102042870000200200746636
• Write to us on how many people from Your group will come, so we can organise free
sleeping places for everyone and prepare enough food;
•Think of what you can bring (sleeping bags, mats; tents if you prefer to sleep outdoors) and
what you need from us as coordinators;
•Tell others about Anti-Frontex Days, invite them over to Warsaw!
•Follow the webpage for updates and current info.
Official phone contacts operating during the Days: (00 48) 696 977 929 – English, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Georgian
Looking forward to run the Anti-Frontex Days with You,